Journal Publications
- [1]Jia Yu, Zhe Li, Beibei Sun, Hao Wu.Characterizing Thermal Behaviors of Various Pavement Materials and Their Thermal Impacts on Ambient Environment[J]. 美国.Journal of Cleaner Production, 2018, 172 (20) : 1358-1367.
- [2]Jian Yin, Sun Beibei, Zhuo Liu, Hao Wu.Laboratory-Simulated Investigation on Thermal Behaviors of Permeable Concrete Pavement[J]. 美国.Road Materials and Pavement Design, 2017, 18 (3) : 1-12.
- [3]Weimin Song, Hao Wu, Qiling Pang, Jian Yin.Using a Polymer-Based Sealant Material to Make Crack Repair of Asphalt Pavemen[J]. 美国.Journal of Testing and Evaluation, 2017, 46(5) (5)
- [4]Jian Yin, Xiang Shu, Baoshan Huang, Hao Wu.Utilization of Solid Wastes/Byproducts from Paper Mills in Controlled Low Strength Material (CLSM)[J]. English.Construction and Building Materials, 2016, 118: 155–163.
- [5]Jian Yin, Beibei Sun, Zhuo Liu, Hao Wu.Experimental Investigation on Freeze-Thaw Durability of Portland Cement Pervious Concrete (PCPC)[J]. 英国.Construction and Building Materials, 2016, 117: 63–71.
- [6]Huang Sheng Zhao., Baoshan, Xiang Shu, Hao Wu.Evaluation of geogrid reinforcement effects on unbound granular pavement base courses using loaded wheel tester[J]. 美国.Geotextiles and Geomembranes, 2015, 43 (5) : 462-469.
- [7]Qiao Dong., Xiang Shu, Baoshan Huang, Hao Wu.Laboratory Evaluation of Abrasion Resistance of Portland Cement Pervious Concrete[J]. 美国.Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering (ASCE), 2011, 23 (5) : 697-1002.
- [8]J., Yin, Z., Liu, M., Zhu, H., Wu.Introduction of a Chemical Grouting Method for Crack Repairing of Asphalt Concrete Pavements[C]. 美国.Environ. Sustain. in Transport. Infrastr., 2015, 7: 77-86.
- [9]Jian Yin., Zhuo Liu, Meijia Zhu, Hao Wu.Developing a Polymer-Based Crack Repairing Material Using Interpenetrate Polymer Network (IPN) Technology[J]. 英国.Construction and Building Materials, 2015, 84: 192-200.
- [10]Hao Wu., Baoshan Huang, Xiang Shu.Performance comparison of laboratory and field produced pervious concrete[J]. 英国.Construction and Building Materials, 2011, 25 (8) : 3187-3192.
- [11]Zixin Zhang., Baoshan Huang, Hao Wu.Laboratory Investigation of Geogrid Reinforcement in Unbounded Granular Pavement Base Courses[J]. 美国.Transportation Research Record, 2011, 30 (2) : 52-57.
- [12]Baoshan., Sheng; Huang, Hao; Zhao, Xiang; Wu, Shu.Evaluating Geogrid Performance with Loaded Wheel Tester[C]. 美国.Ground Improvement and Geosynthetics (ASCE), 2014: 363-369.
- [13]X., Shu, B., Huang, H., Wu.Characterizing Fatigue Behavior of Asphalt Mixtures Utilizing Loaded Wheel Tester[J]. 美国.Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering (ASCE), 2014, 26 (1) : 152–159.
- [14]Xiang Shu., Baoshan Huang, Hao Wu.Characterizing Tensile Viscoelastic Properties of Asphalt Mixtures Utilizing Loaded Wheel Tester (LWT). 美国.Road Materials and Pavement Design, 2012, 13 (1) : 38-55.
- [15]K., Wang, X., Shu, B., Huang, H., Wu, Q., Dong.Investigation into Laboratory Abrasion Test Methods for Pervious Concrete[J]. 美国.Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering (ASCE), 2013, 25 (7) : 886–892.
- [16]S. Bai., J. Yin, H. Wu.Experimental Investigation of Utilizing Industrial Waste and Byproduct Materials in Controlled Low Strength Materials (CLSM)[C]. 美国.Advanced Materials Research, 2013, 601: 299-303.
- [17]Zixin Zhang., Baoshan Huang, Hao Wu.Evaluation of the Reinforcement Effect of Geogrids in Pavement Base Using Loaded Wheel Tester (LWT)[C]. 美国.Paving Materials and Pavement Analysis (ASCE), 2010 (203) : 314-319.
- [18]Peter Y, Wu, David Mark, Jared, Emily, Shrum, Qiao, Dong, Xiang, Shu, Baoshan, Huang, Hao, Wu.Laboratory Evaluation of Latex-Modified Pervious Concrete[C]. 美国.TRB Annual Conference, 2010 (Paper #10-3128)
- [19]E.G., Burdette, X., Shu, H., Wu, B., Huang.Laboratory Evaluation of Permeability and Strength of Polymer-modified Pervious Concrete[J]. 英国.Construction and Building Materials, 2010, 24 (5) : 818-823.
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Hao Wu
