Honors and Awards
- [1]Shiwen He;Shaowen Xiong;Yeyu Ou;Jian Zhang*;Jiaheng Wang;Yongming Huang;Yaoxue Zhang.An Overview on the Application of Graph Networks in Wireless Networks.IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society.2021.(通信作者)
- [2]Shiwen He;Yan Zhang;Jiaheng Wang;Jian Zhang*;Ju Ren;Yaoxue Zhang;Weihua Zhuang;Xuemin Shen.A survey of millimeter-wave communication: Physical-layer technology specifications and enabling transmission technologies.Proceedings of the IEEE.2021.(中科院1区,影响因子:10.961,通讯作者)
- [3]Bin Hu,Kehua Guo,Xiaokang Wang,Jian Zhang**,Di Zhou.RRL-GAT: Graph Attention Network-driven Multi-Label Image Robust Representation Learning. IEEE Internet of Things Journal.2021(JCR1区,通讯作者)
- [4]Xiyao Liu, Yayun Zhang, Sibo Du, Jian Zhang**, Ming Jiang and Hui Fang. Discriminative and geometrically robust zero-watermarking scheme for protecting DIBR 3D videos. International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, 2021(CCF B类会议,通讯作者)
- [5]Kehua Guo,Yifei Wang , Jian Kang, Jian Zhang**, Rui Cao.Core dataset extraction from unlabeled medical big data for lesion localization.Big Data Research.Vol 24.P100185.2021(JCR1区,影响因子:2.673,通讯作者)
- [6]Shigeng Zhang, Shuxin Chen, Xuan Liu, Chengyao Hua, Weiping Wang, Kai Chen, Jian Zhang**, Jianxin Wang. Detecting Adversarial Samples for Deep Learning Models: A Comparative Study. Accepted to appear in IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering, 2021(JCR1区,影响因子5.213,通讯作者)
- [7]Shiwen He, Zhenyu An, Jianyue Zhu, Jian Zhang**, Yongming Huang, and Yaoxue Zhang, Beamforming design for multiuser uRLLC with finite blocklength transmission. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, revised, Nov. 2020.(JCR1区,影响因子6.779,通讯作者)
- [8]Kehua Guo, Bin Hu, Jianhua Ma, Sheng Ren, Ze Tao, Jian Zhang**.Toward Anomaly Behavior Detection as an Edge Network Service Using a Dual-Task Interactive Guided Neural Network. IEEE Internet of Things Journal.2020.(JCR1区,影响因子9.936,通讯作者)
- [9]Kehua Guo, Nan Li, Jian Kang, Jian Zhang**. Towards Efficient Federated Learning-based Scheme in Medical Cyber-Physical Systems for Distributed Data. Software: practise and experience. 2020:1-16. (JCR 2区,影响因子1.786,CCF B类,通讯作者)
- [10]Kehua Guo, Haifu Guo, Sheng Ren, Jian Zhang**, Xi Li,Towards efficient motion-blurred public security video super-resolution based on back-projection networks,Journal of Network and Computer Applications,Volume 166,2020,102691.(中科院1区,影响因子5.57,通讯作者)
- [11]赵瑛,陆耀,张健**,梁启弟,龙炜.基于深度神经网络的多视角人体动作识别[J/OL].系统仿真学报:1-12[2020-04-06].(EI,通讯作者)
- [12]Jian Zhang;Qidi Liang;Rui Jiang,XiLi;A Feature Analysis Based Identifying Scheme Using GBDT for DDoS with Multiple Attack Vectors Appl. Sci.2019,9(21),4633.(JCR 3区,影响因子2.474)
- [13]Hao Pu ; Lu Zhao ; Wei Li ; Jian Zhang **; Zhenya Zhang ; Jiaxuan Liang ; Taoran Song.A Global Iterations Method for Recreating Railway Vertical Alignment Considering Multiple Constraints.IEEE Access.2019,9(7),Page(s): 121199 - 121211.(JCR 1区,影响因子4.076,通讯作者)
- [14]Du, Y.; Liu, P.; Tian, J.; Zhang, J.**; Zheng, Y. Preliminary Investigation of the Feasibility of Using a Superpave Gyratory Compactor to Design Cement-Treated Aggregate Mixture. Appl. Sci. 2018, 8(6), 946.(JCR2区,影响因子2.474通讯作者)
- [15]Tang, J.; Liu, A.; Zhang, J.**; Xiong, N.N.; Zeng, Z.; Wang, T. A Trust-Based Secure Routing Scheme Using the Traceback Approach for Energy-Harvesting Wireless Sensor Networks. Sensors 2018, 18, 751.(JCR1区,影响因子3.427,高被引,通讯作者)
- [16]Zhang Jian, Xiaxia Zhou, Qidi Liang, Wei Zhang** , Fengtao Xiang. A adaptive filtration based defense framework against DDoS. 2017 IEEE International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing with Applications, pp.56-67, December, 2017.(CCF认定C类论文,EI)
- [17]Fengtao Xiang ; Zhang Jian ** ; Pan Liang ; Gu Xueqiang.Robust Image Fusion with Block Sparse Representation and Online Dictionary Learning. IET Image Processing. 2017,11(11):1345-1353.(JCR3区,影响因子1.995,通讯作者)
- [18]Yiqiao Jin, Qidi Liang, Jian Zhang **, Ou Jin. A Real-time Visualization Defense Framework for DDoS Attack. The Third International Conference of Pioneering Computer Scientists, Engineers and Educators(ICPCSEE2017), pp.234-246, September,2017. (EI,通讯作者)
- [19]夏佳志,张亚伟,张健**,蒋广,李瑞,陈为.一种基于子空间聚类的局部相关性可视分析方法.计算机辅助设计与图形学学报.2016,28(11):1855-1862.(EI,通讯作者)
- [20]Jian Zhang; YaWei Zhang; Pin Liu** and JianBiao He,A Spark Based DDoS attack detection model in cloud services, The 12th International Conference on Information Security Practice and Experience(ISPEC 2016), pp.48-65,November,2016 (EI)
