个人信息Personal Information
教师英文名称:David Zhou
联系方式:联系电话:0731-82655294 Email: gszx_zhouwei@csu.edu.cn 或 zhou_wei000@126.com 或 124575608@qq.com
主要任职:博士生导师,学硕/ 专硕导师
其他任职:世界交通运输大会(WTC)轨道交通学部轨道交通装备系统科学“机车车辆”技术委员会 联合主席
- 铁路落下孔车横向止挡载荷监测技术与安全评估.铁道科学与工程学报, 2021
- 交变气动载荷作用下高速列车风机 底板连接铆钉疲劳特性研究.铁道科学与工程学报, 2020, 17 (12)
- Dynamic stiffness method for exact longitudinal free vibration of rods and trusses using simple and advanced theories.Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2022: 1-20.
- Load identification and fatigue evaluation via wind-induced attitude decoupling of railway catenary.Reviews on Advanced Materials Science, 2021, 60 (1) : 377-403.
- Dynamic stiffness method for longitudinal free vibration of bars using simple and advanced theories with applications.Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2021: 1-26.
- Q355GNHD高耐候钢的动态高应变率塑性本构模型.机车电传动, 2021, 1: 63-68.
- A new wayside method for measuring and evaluating wheel-rail contact forces and positions.Measurement, 2020, 166 (108244)
- Geometric recognition methodology of honeycomb structure based on dynamic window.JOURNAL OF SANDWICH STRUCTURE & MATERIALS, 2020
- Load identification and deflection monitoring of opening beam on well-hole freight trains.IEEE ACCESS, 2020 (8) : 86038-86056.
- An analytical spectral stiffness for buckling of rectangular plates on Winkler foundation subject to general boundary conditions.Applied Mathematical Modeling, 2020, 86: 36-53.
- Deflection calculation and dynamic detection of non-uniform beam via multi-point strain measurement for freight trains.IEEE Access, 2019, 7: 104692-104709.
- Aerodynamic load spectrum and fatigue behavior of high-speed train's equipment cabin.Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures, 2019, 42: 2759-2595.
- Effects of simplifying train bogies on surrounding flow and aerodynamic forces.Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 2019, 191: 170-182.
- Branch point algorithm for structural irregularity determination of honeycomb.COMPOSITES PART B-ENGINEERING, 2018, 162: 323-330.
- Momentary discomfort of high-speed trains passing through complex terrain sections under strong wind conditions.Vehicle System Dynamics, 2020: 1428-1450.
- A Cylindrical Vehicle-MountedAnemometer Based on 12 Pressure Sensors—Principle, Prototype Design, and Validation.IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL, 2018, 18 (17) : 6954-6961.
- Dynamic target template matching for railway catenary suspension motion detection in wind area.International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, 2018, 14 (9) : 1-13.
- An investigation of dynamic responses andheadinjuriesofstandingsubway passengers during collisions.Applied Bionics and Biomechanics, 2018, 2018 (1096056) : 1-13.
- A novel finite element model for single-layered wire strand.Journal of Central South University, 2013, 20 (6) : 1767-1771.
- On the influence of structural defects for honeycomb structure.Composites Part B: Engineering, 2018, 142: 183-192.