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Journal Publications
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Journal Publications
[21]Yi-Qi Tian, Yun-Shu Cui, Wei-Dong Yu, Cong-Qiao Xu*, Xiao-Yi Yi, Jun Yan, Jun Li and Chao Liu*,An Ultrastable Ti-based Metallocalixarene Nanocage Cluster with Photocatalytic Amines Oxidation Activity.Chemical Communication, 2022, 58, 6028-6031.
[22]Er-Meng Han, Wei-Dong Yu, Jun Yan, Xiao-Yi Yi, Chao Liu,* Metal-Directed Self-Assembly of {Ti8L2} Cluster Based-Coordination Polymers with Enhanced Photocatalytic Alcohol Oxidation Activity.Inorganic Chemistry, 2022, 61, 923–930.
[23]Er-Meng Han, Wei-Dong Yu, Bo Wang, Jun Yan, Xiao-Yi Yi, Chao Liu,* Self-Assembly of Chiral Ferrocene-Functionalized Polyoxotitanium Clusters for Photocatalytic Selective Sulfide Oxidation.Inorganic Chemistry, 2022, 61, 2903-2910.
[24]Yi-Xin Wu, Xue Ru Liu, Wei-Dong Yu, Lei-Jiao Li,* Fuxing Pan, Weisheng Liu,* Chao Liu,* A Bimetallic Ag/Ti -Based Coordination Polymer as a Catalyst for Electrocatalytic CO2 Reduction and Selective Sulfide Oxidation.European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2022, DOI: 10.1002/ejic.202101115R1.
[25]Yi-Xin Wu, Xue-Ru Liu, Guo Chen, Yi-Qi Tian, Jun Yan, Xiao-Yi Yi, Chao Liu,* Cd-Doped Polyoxotitanium Nanoclusters with Modifiable Organic Shell for Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting.Inorganic Chemistry, 2021, 60: 19263-19269..
[26]Dai Wu, Xiu-Fang Mo, Piao He, Hai-Ru Li, Xiao-Yi Yi, Chao Liu*, 3D Uranyl Organic Frameworks Supported by Rigid Octadentate Carboxylate ligand: Synthesis, Structure Diversity, and Luminescence Properties.Chemistry-A European Journal, 2021, 27, 10313–10322.
[27]Er-Meng Han,a‡ Wei-Dong Yu,b‡ Lei-Jiao Li,c Xiao-Yi Yi,a Jun Yana Chao Liua*,Accurate Assembly of Ferrocene-Functionalized {Ti22Fc4} Cluster with Photocatalytic Amines Oxidation Activity.Chemical Communication
[28]Xin-Xue Yang, Wei-Dong Yu,Yi-Xiao Yi, and Chao Liu*, Accurate Regulating of Visible-Light Absorption in Polyoxotitanate-Calix[8]arene Systems by Ligand Modification.Inorganic Chemistry, 2020, 59, 11, 7512-7519
[29]Xin-Xue Yang, Wei-Dong Yu,Xiao-Yi Yi*, Leijiao Li, and Chao Liu*, Monocarboxylate-Driven Structural Growth in Calix[n]arene-Polyoxotitanate Hybrid Systems: Utility in Hydrogen Production from Water: Chemical Communication., 2020, 56, 14035-14038..
[30]Chao Liu*, Xin-Xue Yang,Shuai Liu, Xiao-Yi Yi and Qing-Jiang Pan*, Occurence of Polyoxouranium Motifs in Uranyl Organic Networks Constructed by Silicon-Centered Carboxylate Linkers: Structures, Spectroscopy and Computation.Dalton Transactions, 2020, 49, 4155-4163
[31]Chao Liu, et. al, Synthesis, Crystal Structures and Photochemical Properties of a Family of Heterometallic Titanium-oxo Clusters[J].Inorganic Chemistry, 2019, 58, 6312-6319.
[32]Chao Liu, et. al, Synthesis and Structure of a Family of Rhodium Polystannide Clusters [Rh@Sn10]3–, [Rh@Sn12]3–, [Rh2@Sn17]6– and the First Triply-Fused Stannide, [Rh3@Sn24]5–[J].Chemical. Science, 2019, 10: 4394-4401..
[33]Chao Liu, et. al, Structure and Bonding in [Sb@In8Sb12]3- and [Sb@In8Sb12]5-.Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2019, 131 (25) : 8330-8330.
[34]Chao Liu, et. al, A Cluster-Based Mesoporous Ti-MOF with Sodalite Supercages[J].Chem. Commun., 2017, 53, 11670 - 11673
[35]Chao Liu, et. al, [Ge5Ni2(CO)3]2-:The first functionalized cluster of closo-[Ge5]2?.Chem. Commun., 2017,53, 6315-6318
[36]Chao Liu, et. al, Recent Advances in Structural Chemistry of Group 14 Zintl Ions[J].Coord. Chem. Rev, 2019, 382: 32-56.
[37]Chao Liu, et. al, Conformational 2-fold Interpenetrated Uranyl Supramolecular Isomers Based on (6,3) Sheet Topology: Structure, Luminescence and Ion exchange[J].Inorg. Chem, 2018, 57 (24) : 15370–15378.
[38]Chao Liu, et. al, Symmetry Reduction upon Size Mismatch: The Non‐Icosahedral Intermetalloid Cluster [Co@Ge12]3-[J].Chin. J. Chem, 2018, 36 (12) : 1165-1168.
[39]Chao Liu, et. al, Entangled Uranyl Organic Frameworks with (10,3)-b Topology and Polythreading Network: Structure, Luminescence and Computational Investigation.Inorg. Chem. 2016, 55(11), 5540-5548
[40]Chao Liu, et. al, Aromaticity and Antiaromaticity in Zintl Clusters.Chem. Eur.-J, 2018, 24 (55) : 14583-14597.
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