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- [3]Li Tao, Chen Hebai, Chen Xingwu.Crossing periodic orbits of nonsmooth Lienard systems and applications[J]. UK.Nonlinearity, 33 (11) : 5817-5838.
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- [8]Chen Haibo, Chen Hebai*, Global dynamics of a Wilson polynomial Lienard equation[J].Proccedings of the American Mathematical Society, 148 (11) : 4769-4780.
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- [12]Liu Lingling, Chen Hebai*, Ding Kewei.Dynamical analysis of a Lotka-Volterra learning-process model[J].Journal of Applied Analysis and Computation, 2019, 9 (5) : 1-17.
- [13]Chen Hebai, Tang Yilei, An oscillator with two discontinuous lines and Van der Pol damping[J].Bulletin des Sciences Mathématiques, 2020, 161: 102867-1-38.
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- [16]Chen Hebai, Zou Lan, How to control the immigration of infectious individuals for a region?[J].Nonlinear Analysis Series B: Real World Applicatio, 2019, 45: 491-505.
- [17]Li Denghui, Chen Hebai*, Xie Jianhua.Smale Horseshoe in a Piecewise Smooth Map[J]. WORLD SCIENTIFIC PUBL CO PTE LTD, 5 TOH TUCK LINK, SINGAPORE 596224, SINGAPORE.INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIFURCATION AND CHAOS, 2019, 29 (4) : 1950051.
- [18]Tang Yilei*, Chen Hebai.At most two limit cycles in a piecewise linear differential system with three zones and asymmetry.Physica D, 2019, 386-387: 23-30.
- [19]Xia Yonghui*, Han Maoan, Chen Hebai.Limit cycles of a Lienard system with symmetry allowing for discontinuity[J].Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 2018, 468: 799-816.
- [20]Duan Jinqiao, Chen Hebai*.Bounded and unbounded solutions of a discontinuous oscillator at resonance[J].International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, 2018, 105: 146-151.