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个人简介Personal Profile
个人信息 Basic Information
Email: xiangliu@csu.edu.cn; xiangliu06@gmail.com;
教育经历 Educational Background
2010.2-2013.3,英国格拉斯哥大学 (University of Glasgow)应用数学,博士
工作经历 Work Experience
2013.4-2016.9,英国伦敦城市大学(City, University of London),研究员(Research Fellow)
研究方向 Research interests
学术兼职 Professional responsibilities
期刊《Shock & Vibration》(JCRQ2)编委
期刊《Journal of Robotics and Mechanical Engineering》编委
期刊《London Journal of Engineering Research》编委
期刊Applied Mathematical Modelling、Applied Acoustics、Thin-Walled Structures 杰出审稿人;
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing; Journal of the Acoustical Society of America; International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics; Journal of Sound and Vibration; Composite Structures; European Journal of Mechanics / A Solids; Applied Mathematical Modelling; Applied Acoustics; Thin-Walled Structures; Steel and Composite Structures; Advances in Mechanical Engineering; International Journal of Computational Methods; Journal of Vibration and Control; Structures; International Journal of Computational Methods; Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids; Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences; Shock and Vibration; Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences ...
科研项目 Research grants
25) 国家重点研发计划子课题:低压环境强冲击荷载下高强安全保障舱力学响应机制与协同设计方法,在研,主持
24) 国家重点研发计划子课题:轻量化高速列车微环境及车端机械系统技术研究,在研,主持
23) 基于动刚度法的全柔性弓网耦合关系分析技术研究,在研,主持
22) 高速车辆新型轻量高安全风挡系统的研发及产业化,在研,主持
21) 低碳高速受电弓空气动力学仿真分析,结题,主持
20) 国家科技部国家级外专项目,面向轨道交通绿色化智能化的功能性材料及结构研究, 2021-01 至 2022-12, 结题, 主持
19) 湖南省自然科学基金项目: 高速列车车内宽频带噪声材料结构一体化高效分析方法研究, 2022-01至2024-1, 在研, 主持
18) 基于既有高铁线路运用边界的时速400公里动车组系统集成技术研究和样车研制动模型试验,2021-12至2023-12,在研,主持
17) CR450折棚式风挡系统正向设计研究,2021-11至2024-12,在研,主持
16) 列车流固耦合关键技术研究,2021-09至2024-05,结题,主持
15) 悬挂式轨道车辆减振降噪研究,2020-09至2021-09,在研,主持
14) 国家自然科学基金项目:复杂组合结构全频域高效高精度振动分析方法研究,2019-2021,结题,主持
13) 国家重点研发计划“导向运输系统模式多样化技术”项目:基于列车系统性能的轮胎优化及减振降噪技术研究,2018-2021,结题,主持
10) 时速400公里动车组内外风挡动力学仿真和模态现场测试,2018-2019,结题,主持
9) 深圳地铁11号线车辆蛇行运动研究,2018-2019,结题,主持
8)时速100Km 8节编组A型车车辆客室内舒适度研究,2018-2019,在研,主持
7) CR400AF动车组项目(185截面)外风挡模态测试研究,2018-2019,结题,主持
6) 中南大学特聘教授专项经费:高速列车减振降噪研究,2017-2021,结题,主持
5) 英国工程及物理科学研究委员会 (EPSRC)资助项目(编号:EP/J007706/1):板壳动力响应中动力刚度法在任意边界条件下的推广,2013.4-2016.9,33.3万英镑,主要负责;
4) 复合机翼的气动弹性分析设计,巴西航空工业公司,2013-2014,13.9万英镑,主要负责;
3) 英国工程及物理科学研究委员会 (EPSRC)资助项目(编号:EP/F035136/1):考虑抗弯刚度下弹性表层的局部失稳研究,2010.2-2013.2,14.6万英镑,主要参与;
2) 南昌铁路局合作项目:既有线路路基改造后评价方法研究, 2008.7-2008.10,30万元,主要负责;
1) 湖南省常吉高速公路建设开发有限公司合作项目: 常吉高速公路28标朱雀洞滑坡安全监测,2008.4-2009.12,300万元,主要负责
教学 Teaching
本科课程 Undergraduate courses
《结构力学》、《轨道交通概论》、《机械振动》、《城轨车辆运用工程》、《动车组技术》、《Matlab语言与工程应用》、《机车车辆业务》、《Advanced Material Mechanics》、《Structural Mechanics》、《Partial Differential Equation》
研究生课程 Postgraduate courses
《振动理论与应用》、《Electric Multiple Unit Technology》
教改项目 Teaching grants
1) 本科生教学改革研究项目,本科全英文课程建设项目《结构力学》,2020-2022,中南大学, 主持
2) 本科生教学改革研究项目,交通设备工程专业《结构力学》混合式教学模式研究,2020-2022,中南大学, 主持
3) 研究生教学改革研究项目,中南大学研究生国际化课程《振动理论与应用》,2020-2022,中南大学, 主持
4) 研究生教学改革研究项目,载运工具运用工程《振动理论与应用》混合式教学模式研究,2020-2022,中南大学, 主持
5) 研究生教学改革研究项目,研究生课程思政建设项目《复杂国际环境和交通强国战略下交通运输工程研究生思政研究》,2020-2022,中南大学, 主持
学术成果 Research outcome
杂志论文 Journal publications
70)Xiang Liu, Pengxiang Lv, Xiao Liu. Flow-induced vibration response analysis of windshield of high-speed train based on proper orthogonal decomposition and pseudo excitation method, Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics(IF: 5.9, JCRQ1, 中科院1区)
69)Xiang Liu, Dalun Tang, Xiao Liu. An enhanced argument principle algorithm for exact complex transcendental eigenvalue analysis of damped structures. Journal of Sound and Vibration(IF: 4.3, JCRQ1), 2025, 595, 118751 (doi)
68) Dongzhen Wang, Chengli Sun*, Xiang Liu*, Zekai Wang, Runze Li. Flow-Induced Vibration Analysis by Simulating a High-Speed Train Pantograph, Applied Sciences (IF: 2.5, JCRQ2)(doi), 2024, 14(11), 4493 (doi)
67)Xueyi Zhao, Xiang Liu*, Jianqiang Guo. An analytical method for broadband acoustic analysis of 2D cavities containing or bounded by porous materials. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences(IF: 7.1, JCRQ1, 中科院1区/Top), 2024, 109717(doi)
66)Hao Xu, Xiang Liu∗, Chengli Sun, Tao Lu, Yaxing Zhao, Xifeng Liang. Analytical dynamic stiffness formulations for dynamic stability analysis of pile group foundations in layered sandy soil. Structures (IF: 3.9, JCRQ1), 2024, 69, 107507(doi)
65)Longda Liu, Xiang Liu∗, Xifeng Liang. Buckling instability analysis of delaminated beam-like structures by using the exact stiffness method. European Journal of Mechanics - A/Solids(IF: 4.4, JCRQ1), 2024, 105468 (doi)
64)Zhi Guo, Xiang Liu*, Li Huang, S. Adhikari, Xifeng Liang. Corrigendum to “Analytical homogenization for equivalent in-plane elastic moduli of prestressed lattices based on the micropolar elasticity model”. Composite Structures(IF:6.3,JCRQ1,中科院1区), 2024, 118645 . (doi)
63) Weixian Zhou, Xiang Liu*, Yu Wang, Xueyi Zhao. Wavenumber dynamic stiffness formulation for exact dispersion analysis of moderately thick symmetric cross-ply laminated plate built-up waveguides. Thin-Walled Structures (IF:5.7,JCRQ1,中科院1区), 2024, 204, 112305(doi)
62) Zhi Guo, Xiang Liu*, Li Huang, S. Adhikari, Xifeng Liang. Analytical homogenization for equivalent in-plane elastic moduli of prestressed lattices based on the micropolar elasticity model. Composite Structures(IF:6.3,JCRQ1,中科院1区), 346, 118391 . (doi)
61) Xiao Liu, Xiang Liu*, Tao Lu, Dalun Tang, High-efficient complex eigen-solution algorithms for transcendental dynamic stiffness formulations of plate built-up structures with frequency-dependent viscoelastic models, Computers & Structures(IF: 4.4, JCRQ1), 2024, 301, 107456. (doi)
60) Xiao Liu, Xiang Liu*, Sondipon Adhikari. Exact dynamic stiffness formulations and vibration response analysis of orthotropic viscoelastic plate built-up structures, Computers & Structures(IF: 4.4, JCRQ1), 2024, 302, 107455 (doi)
59) Xiang Liu*, Weixian Zhou, Matteo Filippi, Yu Wang. A wavenumber dynamic stiffness method for exact and efficient dispersion analysis of plate built-up waveguides. Journal of Sound and Vibration(IF:4.3,JCRQ1), 591, 118605 (doi)
58) Xiang Liu*, Meijia Song. An efficient optimization method for transcendental eigenvalue problems based on mode count constraints and heuristic algorithm. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization (IF:3.6,JCRQ1), 2024, 67, 94 (doi)
57) X. Liu, A. Pagani, E. Carrera, X. Liu*. Free vibration analysis of composite beams and laminated reinforced panels by refined dynamic stiffness method and CUF-based component-wise theory. Composite Structures(IF:6.3,JCRQ1,中科院1区), 2024, 337:118058(doi,57.pdf)
56) X. Liu, J. Pei, X. Zhao, W. Zhou, Dynamic stiffness formulations for exact modal and dynamic response analysis of three-dimensional acoustic cavities in cylindrical coordinates. Journal of Sound and Vibration(IF:6.3,JCRQ1) 581 (2024) 118397(doi,56.pdf)
55) X. Liu, A. Pagani, E. Carrera, X. Liu*. Dynamic stiffness method and CUF-based component-wise theories applied to free vibration analysis of solid beams, thin-walled structures and reinforced panels. Thin–Walled Structures(IF:6.603,JCRQ1,中科院1区) 198 (2024) 111707. (doi,55.pdf)
54) T. Lu, S. Yuan, T. Wang, X. Liu, P. Wang, R. Chen. Dynamic response and wave motion of a periodically supported beam under an ultra-high-speed load: Wave dispersion and critical velocities. International Journal of Solids and Structures(IF:3.6,JCRQ1), 2024, 291: 112694 (doi,54.pdf)
53) X. Liu, S. Tao, X. Zhao, et al. Dynamic response analysis for bridges subjected to moving vehicle loads by using the analytical dynamic stiffness method. Computers and Structures(IF:4.7,JCRQ1), 2024, 292: 107240(doi,53.pdf)
52) Y. Yu, P. Lv, X. Liu, X. Liu*. Flow-Induced Vibration Hybrid Modeling Method and Dynamic Characteristics of U-Section Rubber Outer Windshield System of High-Speed Trains. Applied Sciences,2023, 13: 5813 (IF:2.7,JCRQ2)(doi,52.pdf)
51) X. Liu, J. Pei, X. Zhao, W. Zhou. Closed-form dynamic stiffness formulations for exact modal analysis of membranes in polar coordinates. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing,2023, 198: 110394(IF:8.4,JCRQ1,中科院1区/Top)(doi,51.pdf)
50) X. Liu, Y. Zhao, T. Lu, H. Xu, L. Yang. Closed-form dynamic stiffness formulation for modal and dynamic response analysis of pile group foundations. Computers and Geotechnics, 2023, 159: 105481 (IF:5.3,JCRQ1,中科院1区/Top)(doi,50.pdf)
49) X. Liu, L. Huang, S. Xie. Analytical homogenization for equivalent in-plane elastic moduli of honeycomb structures with stiffened joints. Thin-Walled Structures,2023,187: 110753(IF:6.603,JCRQ1,中科院1区/Top)(doi,49.pdf)
48) L. Huang, X. Liu*, X. Liu, X. Zhao. Analytical homogenization for equivalent in-plane elastic moduli of multi-material honeycombs. Composite Structures,2023,325:117586(IF:6.603,JCRQ1,中科院1区/Top)(doi,48.pdf)
47) W. Zhou, G. Zhang, H. Wang, C. Peng, X. Liu*, H. Xiao, X. Liang. Experimental fatigure evaluation of bogie frames on metro trains. Machines, 2022, 10, 11(IF:2.6,JCRQ2)(doi,47.pdf)
46) H. Li, Y. Li, X. Liu. Double-beam metastructure with inertially amplified resonators for flexural wave attenuation. European Journal of Mechanics - A/Solids, 2023, 97, 104794(IF:4.1,JCRQ1)(doi,46.pdf)
45) X. Liu, L. Huang, S. Adhikari. Equivalent in-plane dynamic elastic moduli of lattice structures with Plateau borders. Composite Structures,2022,299:116056(IF:6.603,JCRQ1,中科院1区/Top(doi,45.pdf)
44) Chen J, Liu, X*. On the Forced Vibration of Bending-Torsional-Warping Coupled Thin-Walled Beams Carrying Arbitrary Number of 3-DoF Spring-Damper-Mass Subsystems. Mathematics 2022, 10, 2849(IF: 2.592, JCRQ1).(doi,44.pdf)
43)Xiao Liu, Xiang Liu*,Sondipon Adhikari, Xueyi Zhao. An analytical framework for broadband dynamic analysis of plate built-up structures with uncertain viscoelastic boundary or connection conditions. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2022, 177: 109121. (IF:8.934,JCRQ1,中科院1区) (doi,43.pdf)
42)Xiang Liu, Xiao Liu, Sondipon Adhikari, Shengwen Yin. Extended Wittrick-Williams algorithm for eigenvalue solution of stochastic dynamic stiffness method. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2022, 108354. (IF: 8.934,JCRQ1,中科院1区)(doi.42.pdf)
41) Xiang Liu, Zhaoming Lu, Sondipon Adhikari, Yingli Li, J. Ranjan Banerjee. Exact wave propagation analysis of lattice structures based on the dynamic stiffness method and the Wittrick-Williams algorithm. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2022, 174: 109044. (IF:8.934,JCRQ1,中科院1区)(doi,41.pdf)
40) Xiang Liu, Xueyi Zhao, Xiao Liu. A highly accurate spectral dynamic stiffness method for efficient broadband modal and dynamic response analysis of membranes assemblies with arbitrary boundary conditions. Computers & Structures, 2022, 267: 106797. (IF: 5.372,JCRQ1)(doi,40.pdf)
39) Xiang Liu, Y. Zhao, W. Zhou, J.R. Banerjee. Dynamic stiffness method for exact longitudinal free vibration of rods and trusses using simple and advanced theories, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2022, 104: 401-420. (IF: 5.336,JCRQ1,中科院Top期刊)(doi,39.pdf)
38) Xiang Liu, S. Qiu, S. Xie, J.R. Banerjee. Extension of the Wittrick-Williams Algorithm for Free Vibration Analysis of Hybrid Dynamic Stiffness Models Connecting Line and Point Nodes, Mathematics, 2022, 10, 57.(IF: 2.592,JCRQ1)(doi,38.pdf)
37)Xiang Liu, Le Chang, J. Ranjan Banerjee, Han-Cheng Dan. Closed-form dynamic stiffness formulation for exact modal analysis of tapered and functionally graded beams and their assemblies, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2022, 214: 106887 (IF: 6.772,JCRQ1,中科院1区)(doi,37.pdf)
36)Xiang Liu, Chengli Sun, J. Ranjan Banerjee, Han-Cheng Dan, Le Chang. Corrigendum to “An exact dynamic stiffness method for multibody systems consisting of beams and rigid-bodies, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 150 (2021) 107264. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 164 (2022) 108257 (IF: 8.934,JCRQ1,中科院1区)(doi,36.pdf)
35)Suchao Xie, Jing Zhang, Xiang Liu*, Shiwei Zheng, Zinan Liu. A reinforced energy-absorbing structure formed by combining multiple aluminum foam-filled open-hole tubes, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2022, 107319 (IF: 6.772,JCRQ1,中科院1区)(doi,35.pdf)
34)Hong-Yu Shan, Han-Cheng Dan, Shi-Ping Wang, Xiang Liu*, Hao Wang. Theoretical and Experimental Investigation on Dynamic Response of Asphalt Pavement under Vibration Compaction, Frontiers in Materials. 2022, 8:816949. (IF: 3.985,JCRQ2)(doi,34.pdf)
33)Wei Zhou, Yitong Wu, Xiang Liu*, et al. Multiple load recognition and fatigue assessment on longitudinal stop of railway freight car. Reviews on Advanced Materials Science 2022; 61: 1–21.(IF: 5.082,JCRQ2)(doi33.pdf)
32)Yingli Li, Hao Li, Xiang Liu, Shiguang Yan. Bandgap and wave propagation of spring-mass-truss elastic metamaterial with a scissor-like structure. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2022, 55:055303 (IF: 3.409,JCRQ1)(doi,32.pdf)
31) Xiang Liu, Chengli Sun, J. Ranjan Banerjee, Han-Cheng Dan, Le Chang. An exact dynamic stiffness method for multibody systems consisting of beams and rigid-bodies[J]. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2021, 150:107264. (IF:6.823,JCRQ1,中科院1区)(doi31.pdf)
30) Xiang Liu, Xueyi Zhao, Sondipon Adhikari, Xiao Liu. Stochastic dynamic stiffness for damped taut membranes[J]. Computers & Structures, 2021, 248:106483(IF:4.578,JCRQ1)(doi30.pdf)
29) S. Adhikaria, T. Mukhopadhyay, X. Liu. Broadband dynamic elastic moduli of honeycomb lattice materials: A generalized analytical approach[J]. Mechanics of Materials, 2021,157:203796.(IF:3.266,JCRQ1)(doi29.pdf)
28) Shengwen Yin, Xiaohan Zhu, Xiang Liu*. A novel sparse polynomial expansion method for interval and random response analysis of uncertain vibro-acoustic system. Shock & Vibration, 2021, 1125373 (IF:1.543,JCRQ2)(doi28.pdf)
27) Shi-Ping Wang, Han-Cheng Dan, Liang Li, Xiang Liu, Zhi Zhang. Dynamic response of asphalt pavement under vibration rolling load: Theory and calibration. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2021, 143(2):106633 (IF:3.718,JCRQ1)(doi27.pdf)
26) Xiang Liu, Yu Li, Yuliang Lin, J. Ranjan Banerjee. Spectral dynamic stiffness theory for free vibration analysis of plate structures stiffened by beams with arbitrary cross-sections[J]. Thin-Walled Structures, 2021, 160(2):107391. (IF:4.442,JCRQ1)(doi26.pdf)
25) P.Xiang, Q. Xia, L.Z. Jiang, L. Peng, J.W. Yan, X. Liu*. Free vibration analysis of FG-CNTRC conical shell panels using the kernel particle Ritz element-free method. Composite Structures, 2021, 255:112987. (IF:5.407,JCRQ1,中科院1区)(doi25.pdf)
24) J.R. Banerjee, A. Ananthapuvirajah, X. Liu, C. Sun. Coupled axial-bending dynamic stiffness matrix and its applications for a Timoshenko beam with mass and elastic axes eccentricity[J]. Thin-Walled Structures, 2020, 159(6):107197. (IF:4.442,JCRQ1)(doi24.pdf)
23) S. Adhikari, D. Karlicic, X. Liu. Adhikari S , Karlii D , Liu X . Dynamic stiffness of nonlocal damped nano-beams on elastic foundation[J]. European Journal of Mechanics - A/Solids, 2021, 86:104144. (IF:4.22,JCRQ1)(doi23.pdf)
22) D. Wang, S. Xie, Z. Feng, X. Liu, Y. Li. Investigating the Effect of Dimension Parameters on Sound Transmission Losses in Nomex Honeycomb Sandwich[J]. Applied Sciences, 2020, 10(9):3109. (IF:2.679,JCRQ2)(doi22.pdf)
21) X. Liu, X. Zhao, C. Xie. Exact free vibration analysis for membrane assemblies with general classical boundary conditions[J]. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2020, 485:115484. (IF:3.655,JCRQ1,中科院Top期刊)(doi21.pdf)
20) X. Liu, C. Xie, H. Dan. Exact Free Vibration Analysis for Plate Built-Up Structures under Comprehensive Combinations of Boundary Conditions[J]. Shock and Vibration, 2020, 2020(6):1-21. (IF:1.543,JCRQ2)(doi20.pdf)
19) H. Dan, D. Yang, X. Liu*, ... Experimental investigation on dynamic response of asphalt pavement using SmartRock sensor under vibrating compaction loading[J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2020, 247:118592. (IF:6.141,JCRQ1,中科院Top期刊)(doi19.pdf)
18) X. Liu, X. Liu, W. Zhou. An analytical spectral stiffness method for buckling of rectangular plates on Winkler foundation subject to general boundary conditions[J]. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2020, 86:36-53.(IF:5.129,JCRQ1,中科院Top期刊)(doi18.pdf)
17) S. Xie, K. Jing, H. Zhou, X. Liu*. Mechanical properties of Nomex honeycomb sandwich panels under dynamic impact[J]. Composite Structures, 2020, 235:111814.(IF:5.407,JCRQ1,中科院1区)(doi17.pdf)
16) X. Liu, X. Liu, S. Xie. A highly accurate analytical spectral flexibility formulation for buckling and wrinkling of orthotropic rectangular plates[J]. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2019, 168:105311. (IF:5.329,JCRQ1,中科院1区)(doi16.pdf)
Before 2020
15) H. Dan, Z. Zhang, X. Liu*, J. Chen. Transient unsaturated flow in the drainage layer of a highway: solution and drainage performance[J]. Road materials and pavement design, 2019, 20(3-4):528-553. (IF:3.792,JCRQ1)(doi15.pdf)
14) X. Liu*, J.R. Banerjee. A spectral dynamic stiffness method for free vibration analysis of plane elastodynamic problems[J]. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2017, 87:136-160.(IF:6.823,JCRQ1,中科院1区)(doi14.pdf)
13) X. Liu*. Spectral dynamic stiffness formulation for inplane modal analysis of composite plate assemblies and prismatic solids with arbitrary classical/nonclassical boundary conditions[J]. Composite Structures, 2016, 158(15):262–280.(IF:5.407,JCRQ1,中科院1区)(doi13.pdf)
12) H.I. Kassem, X. Liu, J.R. Banerjee. Transonic flutter analysis using a fully coupled density based solver for inviscid flow[J]. Advances in Engineering Software, 2016, 95:1-6. (IF:4.141,JCRQ1)(doi12.pdf)
11) X. Liu*, H.I. Kassem J.R. Banerjee. An exact spectral dynamic stiffness theory for composite plate-like structures with arbitrary non-uniform elastic supports, mass attachments and coupling constraints[J]. Composite Structures, 2016, 142:140-154.(IF:5.407,JCRQ1,中科院1区)(doi11.pdf)
10) X. Liu*, J.R. Banerjee. Free vibration analysis for plates with arbitrary boundary conditions using a novel spectral-dynamic stiffness method, Computers & Structures, 2016, 164:108-126. (IF:5.372,JCRQ1)(doi10.pdf)
9) J.R. Banerjee, S.O. Papkov, X. Liu, D. Kennedy. Dynamic stiffness matrix of a rectangular plate for the general case[J]. Journal of Sound & Vibration, 2015, 342:177-199. (IF:4.761,JCRQ1,中科院Top期刊)(doi9.pdf)
8) X. Liu*, J.R. Banerjee. An exact spectral-dynamic stiffness method for free flexural vibration analysis of orthotropic composite plate assemblies – Part II: Applications[J]. Composite Structures, 2015, 132:1288-1302.(IF:6.603,JCRQ1,中科院1区,)(doi8.pdf)
7) X. Liu*, J.R. Banerjee. An exact spectral-dynamic stiffness method for free flexural vibration analysis of orthotropic composite plate assemblies – Part I: Theory[J]. Composite Structures, 2015, 132:1288-1302. (IF:6.603,JCRQ1,中科院1区)(doi7.pdf)
6) J.R. Banerjee, X. Liu, H.I. Kassem. Aeroelastic Stability Analysis of High Aspect Ratio Aircraft Wings[J]. Journal of Applied Nonlinear Dynamics, 2014, 3(4):413-422.(IF:0.9,ZJCRQ3)(doi6.pdf)
5) C.D. Coman, X. Liu. Buckling-resistant thin annular plates in tension[J]. MATHEMATICS AND MECHANICS OF SOLIDS, 2014, 19(8):925-951.(IF:2.719,JCRQ1)(doi5.pdf)
4) C.D. Coman, X. Liu. Semi-analytical approximations for a class of multi-parameter eigenvalue problems related to tensile buckling, Zeitschrift fur angewandte Mathematik und Physik, 2013, 64(3):863-883.(IF:2.221,JCRQ1)(doi4.pdf)
3) C.D. Coman, X. Liu. On the bifurcations of the Lamé solutions in plane-strain elasticity. International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics. 2012, 47(2): 135-143.(IF:6.772,JCRQ1)(doi3.pdf)
2) L.H. Zhao, L. Li, F. Yang, and X. Liu. Joined influences of nonlinearity and dilation on the ultimate pullout capacity of horizontal shallow plate anchors by energy dissipation method. International Journal of Geomechanics. 2011, 11(3): 195-201.(IF:3.819,JCRQ1)(doi2.pdf)
1) L.H. Zhao, L. Li, F. Yang, Q. Luo and X. Liu. Upper bound analysis of slope stability with nonlinear failure criterion based on strength reduction technique. Journal of Central South University of Technology. 2010, 17(4): 836-844.(IF:2.392,JCRQ2)(doi1.pdf)
会议论文 Conference publications
46) S. Tao, C. Xie, X. Liu, Y. Li. Environmental vibration analysis of train-rail-bridge systems by using the analytical dynamic stiffness method. The Transportation Research Congress. Hangzhou, 2021
45) S. Tao, X. Zhao, C. Xie, Y. Li, X. Liu. Environmental vibration analysis of box-girder bridge subjected to train moving loads using the analytical dynamic stiffness method. The 19th Asia Pacific Vibration Conference. Qingdao, 2021
44) Y. Zhao, X. Zhao, C. Sun, X. Liu. An exact dynamic stiffness method for built-up structures consisting of rigid bodies and flexible beams. The 19th Asia Pacific Vibration Conference. Qingdao, 2021
43) 刘啸,刘项. 高速动车组风挡系统流固耦合混合建模方法及动态特性. 第十七届全国空气弹性学术交流会议,沈阳,2021
42) 赵亚星,孙成立,刘项. 刚体-柔性梁组合多体系统的精确动刚度法.第十七届全国空气弹性学术交流会议,沈阳,2021
41) 赵学艺,李宇,刘项. 高效高精度谱动刚度法在全频域振动声学问题中的应用. 全国模态分析与试验学术会议, 贵阳, 2021
40) 刘啸, Sondipon Adhikari, 刘项. 考虑不确定性弹性支承和连接下板组合结构的全频域动力学解析建模及分析. 全国模态分析与试验学术会议, 贵阳, 2021
39) 刘啸, 赵亚星, 刘项. 刚体-梁多体系统动刚度解析建模及在全频域模态分析中的应用. 全国模态分析与试验学术会议, 贵阳, 2021
38) 赵学艺, 刘啸, Sondipon Adhikari, 刘项. 结构域内和边界不确定性的复杂组合结构全频域动力学分析. 全国模态分析与试验学术会议, 贵阳, 2021
37) X. Zhao, Y. Li, X. Liu. A highly accurate and efficient analytical spectral dynamic stiffness method for acoustic and vibration problems within the whole frequency range. The 19th Asia Pacific Vibration Conference. Qingdao, 2021
36) Y. Zhao, C. Sun, and X. Liu. An exact dynamic stiffness method for general rigidbody-beam built-up systems. The 8th International Conference on Vibration Engineering. Shanghai,2021
35) Z. Lu, S. Adhikari and X. Liu. Exact wave propagation analysis of lattice structures by using Wittrick-Williams algorithm and dynamic stiffness method. The 8th international conference on vibration engineering, Shanghai,China,2021.
34) X. Liu, X. Zhao, S. Adhikari and X. Liu. Exact wave propagation analysis of lattice structures by using Wittrick-Williams algorithm and dynamic stiffness method. The 8th international conference on vibration engineering, Shanghai, China, 2021.
33) Chang, S. Adhikari, J. R. Banerjee, X. Liu. Closed-form dynamics stiffness formulation for parabolically tapered and/or fuctionally graded beams. The 3rd International Conference on Vibration and Energy Harvesting Applications. Xi'an, 2021
32) 刘项. 动刚度方法及应用. 第三届江苏湖北浙江三省力学学术会议,宜昌,2021
31) X. Liu, X. Zhao, X. Liu, S. Adhikari. The whole frequency range dynamics analysis of built-up structures with domain and boundary uncertainties. The 13th International Conference on Structural Safety and Reliability, Shanghai, China, 2021
30) X. Liu, X. Liu. Dynamic characteristics of train windshield system in mineral resources transportation. THE XVI INTERNATIONAL FORUM-CONTEST OF STUDENTS AND YOUNG RESEARCHERS, Russia, 2020
29) X. Liu, X. Liu. Buckling/wrinkling solutions for orthotropic rectangular plates by using a spectral flexibility method. 22nd International Comference on Composite Structures. Wuhan, 2019
28) 孙成立, 刘项. 刚体-梁组合系统的动刚度方法. 中国力学大会, 杭州, 2019
27) 常乐, 刘项. 复杂平面刚架模态屈曲解析分析方法. 中国力学大会, 杭州, 2019
26) 谢晨, 刘项. 板组合结构全频域高效高精度动力学分析方法. 中国力学大会, 杭州, 2019
25) 李宇, 刘项. 基于动刚度法的多层介质波导分析. 中国力学大会, 杭州, 2019
24) Xiang Liu. Wave propagation analysis within multilayer media by using the dynamic stiffness method, 12th International Symposium on Vibrations of Continuous Systems, Corvara In Badia BZ - Italy, 2019
23) Xiang Liu. A highly efficient and accurate analytical method for elastodynamic problems within the whole frequency range. The 10th International Conference on Computational Methods, Singapore, 2019.
21) X. Liu, X. Liu. An Fluid-structure interaction model for windshield system of EMU. 8th International Symposium of Slender Structures, Changsha, 2019.
20) Chengli Sun, Xiang Liu. Dynamic stiffness method and application of multi-body systems consisting of beams and rigid bodies. 8th International Symposium of Slender Structures, Changsha, 2019.
19) Chen Xie, Xiang Liu. Exact Dynamic Stiffness Method for plate built-up structures. 8th International Symposium of Slender Structures, Changsha, 2019.
18) 刘啸, 刘项. 基于动刚度法的结构气弹稳定性分析方法. 全国固体力学学术会议, 哈尔滨, 2018.
17) 孙成立, 刘项. 多自由度系统的动刚度法理论及应用. 全国固体力学学术会议, 哈尔滨, 2018
16) 刘啸, 刘项, J.Ranjan Banerjee. 中国首届空气动力学大会, 绵阳, 2018
15) 刘项. 地铁列车的几个振动噪声问题. 第二届中国城市轨道交通环境噪声与振动控制技术国际会议, 长沙, 2018
14) X. Liu. An analytical method on vibration analysis of complex engineering structures. The 8th International Symposium on Environmental Vibration and Transportation Geodynamics. Changsha, 2018
13) X. Liu, C. Xie, J.R. Banerjee. Spectral dynamic stiffness formulation for the cross-sectional vibration of composite solids with cracks and mass attachments. The Thirteenth International Conference on Computational Structures Technology. Sitges, Barcelona, Spain,2018
12) X. Liu, C. Xie. Free inplane vibration analysis for composite plate assemblies and prismatic solid with general boundary conditions. International Conference on Theoretical, Analytical and Computational Methods for Composite Materials and Composite Structures, Wuhan, 2018
11) X. Liu et al. A novel analytical method for highly efficient and accurate modal analysis of plates and plate assem blies with general boundary conditions. 11th International Symposium on Vibrations of Continuous Systems, 2017.
10) X. Liu et al. A novel spectral dynamic stiffness method for efficient and exact elastodynamic analysis within the whole frequency range. 24th International Congress on Sound and Vibration, London, 2017.
9) X. Liu and J.R. Banerjee. Spectral-dynamic stiffness method - A novel approach for exact free vibration analysis of plate-like structures. Proceeding of 15th International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing, Prague, Czech, 2015.
8) X. Liu and J.R. Banerjee. A novel spectral dynamic stiffness method for exact modal analysis of composite plates and plate assemblies with mass and spring attachments. 18th International Conference on Composite Structures, Lisbon, Portugal, 2015.
7) X. Liu, S. Papkov and J.R. Banerjee. An analytical solution for free transverse vibration of plates with arbitrary boundary conditions. Proceeding of 12th International Conference on Computational Structures Technology, Naples, Italy, 2014.
6) H.I. Kassem, X. Liu and J.R. Banerjee. Flutter analysis using a fully coupled density based solver for inviscid flow. Proceeding of 12th International Conference on Computational Structures Technology, Naples, Italy, 2014.
5) X. Liu and J.R. Banerjee. An accurate dynamic stiffness method for free vibration analysis of orthotropic plates with general boundary conditions. 4th International Conference on Dynamics, Vibration and Control, Shanghai, 2014.
4) J.R. Banerjee, X. Liu and H.I. Kassan. Free vibration and flutter characteristics of high aspect ratio aircraft wings. Proceeding of 12th Dynamical Systems - Theory and Applications, Lodz, Poland, 2013.
3) X. Liu and C.D. Coman. Buckling-resistant elastic thin plates in tension. 6th Oxford University SIAM Student Chapter, University of Oxford, UK, 2013.
2) X. Liu and C.D. Coman. The localised wrinkling of a stretched bi-annular thin plate. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, Venice, Italy, 2012.
1) X. Liu and C.D. Coman. A modified energy method for the buckling of thin plates in tension. 8th European Solid Mechanics Conference, Graz, Austria, 2012.
专利 Patents
15) 刘项,刘啸,林宇亮,刘辉,谢素超,但汉成,一种任意边界条件下板组合结构屈曲分析的半解析方法,2022-02-15,发明专利, ZL202010048894.7 .
14) 刘项,刘啸,谢素超,但汉成,林宇亮,柔性结构-空腔组合系统流固耦合分析的混合建模方法,2021-04-20,发明专利, ZL202110009288.9.
13) 刘项,黄黎,谢素超,刘啸,赵学艺,一种点阵板材等效静力学扭转参数高精度测试方法,2021-09-28,发明专利, ZL202110957757.X
12) 刘项,黄黎,刘啸,赵学艺,卢钊明,一种点阵夹层面板等效静力学扭转参数测试装置,2021-06-10,实用新型,ZL202121289856.7.
11) 刘项, 黄黎,林宇亮,李盈利,常乐,一种点阵材料等效弯曲刚度测试装置,2021-04-20,实用新型, ZL202120805065.9.
10) 刘项,敬涛,段君义,林宇亮,杨果林,一种用于测量膨胀土胀缩变形的杠杆式固结仪,2021-03-09,实用新型,ZL202120492702.1.
9) 刘项,黄黎,李盈利,林宇亮,卢钊明,一种点阵材料等效面内弹性静力学参数测试装置,2021-04-20,实用新型, ZL202120805092.6.
8) 刘项,刘啸,但汉成,谢素超,林宇亮,一种考虑参数不确定性下结构随机特征值分析方法和装置,2021-05-18,发明专利, CN112818449A.
7) 刘项,黄黎,林宇亮,谢素超,李盈利,卢钊明,一种点阵材料等效弹性静力学参数高精度测试方法,2021-06-25,发明专利, CN113029802A.
6) 谢素超,汪浩,刘项,孙成名,周伟,冯哲骏, 一种高速列车裙板变形测试的传感器安装夹具及安装方法,2020-09-16,发明专利,ZL202010973816.8.
5) 但汉成,柏格文,祝志恒,刘项,陈嘉祺,一种沥青路面构造深度测量方法,2021-05-10, 发明专利, ZL202110503800.5.
4) 李亚龙,林宇亮,杨果林,刘项,徐永福,装配式膨胀土边坡生态减震加筋土双面板单元及土挡墙,2020-08-18,发明专利, ZL202010829256.9.
3) 张震,林宇亮,杨果林,刘项,徐永福,一种膨胀土边坡灌木根茎的原位拉拔试验装置, 2020-08-24,发明专利, ZL202010854227.8.
2) 鲁立,林宇亮,杨果林,徐永福,刘项,一种适用于膨胀土边坡自适应变形控制的框锚支护结构,2020-08-18,发明专利,ZL202010832176.9.
1) 夏晓鹏,杨果林,徐永福,刘项,林宇亮,一种膨胀土边坡的生态支挡构造及施工方法,2022-03-04,发明专利,ZL202010671972.9